Ayurveda in Beauty : These Ayurvedic Tips Will Make Your Face Glow

Ayurveda in Beauty

Ayurveda in Beauty, There is no doubt that Ayurveda originated in India by ancient sages. But its natural, all-encompassing treatment method is now spread all over the world. Modern science has also accepted what Ayurveda has said in many matters. For example, Ayurveda considers skin as a window of health. Modern science agrees with this fact. However, Ayurveda plays an important role in protecting the skin if it is to be treated without any challenge.

Ayurveda in Beauty
Ayurveda in Beauty


Ayurveda defines a person based on three types of defects, also called tridoshas. Talk, bile and phlegm. Which of the three faults do you fall into? On the basis of this, treatment is sought. The following measures can be taken for Ayurvedic treatment of skin. But before that, it is important to know the following.


Our Skin Types

1. Dry

2. Sensitive

3. Oily


Neem Leaves
Ayurveda in Beauty

How is Your Hair

1. Thin

2. General

3. Thick

What is Your Personality

1. Artistry

2. Leadership ability

3. Kindness


Ayurveda in Beauty
Ayurveda in Beauty

What is Your Body Type

1. Thin

2. General

3. Thick

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How many hours do you usually sleep?

1. 5 to 6 hours

2. 8 hours

3. More than 8 hours


Traditional Make Up
Ayurveda in Beauty

What is the Shape of Your Face

1. Lean thin

2. Oval

3. Round Shaped

How much do you Sweat

1. Medium

2. Stinky

3. Light

If you fall into the category of three defects mentioned by Ayurveda, massaging with hot oil can help keep the skin clean. Rest well to maintain energy in both mind and body.

In modern medicine, everyone is given the same treatment. But Ayurveda is of the opinion that different medicines should be given according to the physical condition of the person.

Ayurveda in Beauty
Ayurveda in Beauty


If you are a person with bile defects out of the three defects, Ayurveda suggests to stay away from harsh and synthetic cosmetics. Because it’s not your fault.

If you are a person with mucus defect out of the three defects, due to its thickness and oily properties, this type of skin is more likely to take toxins. Cleanse your skin twice a day and apply mousse packs once a week.

It is also possible that the effects of Ayurvedic medicine may vary depending on your skin type. Your skin type Over time, weather, diet and lifestyle also affect skin problems and their solutions.


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