Vipasana meditation :Nepal

Vipasana meditation center

Vipassana is the most ancient method of self-purification by introspection. To see and understand what is as it is is Vipassana. About 2500 years ago, Lord Gautam Buddha rediscovered this extinct method and made it universally accessible as a public cure for a common disease, the art of living. i.e., an art of living. The purpose of this public sadhana-method is the complete eradication of disorders and consequently the attainment of the highest bliss of ultimate liberation.

The mind and the body, which can be experienced by focusing directly on the physical sensations that make up the body’s consciousness, and it keeps the mind’s consciousness activity in constant interrelationship and position. . It is an observation-based, self-exploratory journey to the universal root of mind and body, which melts mental impurity, resulting in a balanced mind filled with love and compassion.

Vipasana meditation center

Our thoughts, disorders, emotions, sensations that follow the scientific rules are clear. From our direct experience we know how to move forward or the nature of retreat, how to give birth to pain or how to get rid of pain. We become more aware, alert, unpretentious, restrained and peaceful.


Vipasana meditation

From the time of Lord Buddha, Vipassana has been transferred from the loyal Acharyas from generation to generation by an unbroken chain of Acharyas. The present Acharya of this tradition, Sri Satya Narayan Goenkaji, though of Indian origin, was born and brought up in Myanmar (Burma). While there, he had the good fortune to learn Vipassana from the eminent Acharya Sayaji U Ba Khin, who was a senior government official at the time.

After practicing Vipassana for fourteen years in the footsteps of his Acharya, Mr. Goenkaji settled in India and started teaching Vipassana to the people from 1969. Since then, he has taught Vipassana to thousands of people of different sects and castes in India and outside India in Eastern and Western countries. Seeing the growing demand for Vipassana camps, in 1982, Mr. Goenkaji started appointing Assistant Teachers.


Vipassana is taught in ten-day residential camps. Campers have to follow the Code of Discipline, the Code of Discipline and practice the method so that they can benefit. The camp has to work seriously, firmly. Training has three steps. During the first step of sadhana, the seekers fast to observe five virtues, namely, to abstain from violence, theft, lying, abstinence and intoxication.Adhering to the rules of this simple code calms the mind so much that it would have been detrimental to do the work of self-inspection otherwise. Next step: Practicing the sadhana called Anapan to gain mastery over the mind by focusing on your changing natural breath while coming and going through the nostrils.

By the fourth day the mind is somewhat calm, concentrated and worthy of the practice of Vipassana is to be aware of the sensations within one’s body, to understand their true nature, and to maintain balance without reacting to them. On the tenth day of the camp, the participating seekers learn the practice of mangal-maitri and all the beings are made partners of the acquired virtue of the camp-period. This sadhana is an exercise of the mind. Just as physical exercise makes the body healthy, so Vipassana can make the mind healthy.Get the right benefit of sadhana method, therefore it is necessary that the spread of sadhana should be in pure form, it is emphasized. This method is far from commercialization and the training teachers do not get any financial or material benefit from it. The camps are run by voluntary donations.

No one is charged for living and eating. The entire cost of the camps is borne by the donations of those seekers who want to benefit the seekers who come later by benefiting from a camp first.Of course, good results come from constant practice. We should not expect that all the problems will be solved in ten days. In ten days, the outline of sadhana is understood so that the work of bringing Vipassana into life can begin.The more the practice grows, the more the sorrows will be relieved and the more the seeker will move closer to the ultimate goal of ultimate liberation. In ten days, such good results will definitely come, which will start getting direct benefits in life.

All those who strictly follow the discipline are welcome in the Vipassana camp, so that they can test and benefit from the sadhana based on self-realization. Anyone who seriously tries Vipassana will get an effective technique to get happiness and peace in life.